Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Finding The Time To Exercise

“I don’t have time to exercise.”  Heard that one before?  You more than likely have because it’s the most common excuse given for not exercising.  Many people are in denial about their health and have built in excuses as to why they’re not exercising, but what it boils down to is better time management and fear. People fear they’ll get hurt, embarrassed, and most of all, fear of failure.  What they should be afraid of is what will happen if they don’t exercise.  How will their sedentary lifestyle affect them next year? 5 or 10 years from now? 

As busy as we might be, we seem to have little trouble finding time for TV or social networking.  Will you have time for multiple doctors appointments?  Will you have time and money to take medications every day to treat high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes?  Puts things into perspective, doesn’t it?  If you want to exercise, you’ll make the time. 
Having a family and the obligations that come along with it are another reason people give for not exercising. But, a helpful strategy to make time for exercise is to have a written plan.  Figure out the best time for exercise in your schedule and actually enter it into your computer or cell phone calendar as a reoccurring event.  By doing this there’s less of a chance of you scheduling something during that time.

As I mentioned earlier, there’s little trouble finding the time to watch TV, so why not make the most of it?  Do some planks, crunches, squats, yoga poses, lunges or pushups while you’re watching.  Keep some fitness equipment, such as resistance bands, kettlebells or a jump rope, near your TV.  Use the commercial breaks to throw in brief cardio intervals. Run in place, up and down the stairs or do some burpees.

Parents, find yourself always picking up after your kids?  Next time while picking up those toys, towels and trash off the floor, instead of bending at the waist, do squats instead to increase glute and leg strength.  How about dinner time?  While standing at the stove or counter, do some calf raises.  Take the kids to the park?  Do you just sit on the bench and watch them play?  Get out there and join them.  I did a post a while back (The Playground Workout) which I showed some exercises you can do at pretty much any playground you go to.  Schedule family hikes, after dinner walks or bikes rides.  Just keep in mind that exercise is something you’re doing for your family.  When your kids see that exercise is important to Mom and Dad, it will be important to them also.

Tomorrow is the beginning of a brand new year.  Many of you may make some resolutions.  How about adding exercise to that list?  With a little planning on your part and maybe some of the ideas I’ve provided you, “no time” won’t be as easy as an excuse as it used to be.  Let’s make 2015 a great year!


Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday Fitness Challenge - Full Body Circuit

It's Friday Fitness Challenge day! This circuit is going to get you sweating and the heart pumping! What a great way to head into the weekend, right?!  Please share with any friends and family. Have a great Friday everyone! :)

- 50 jumping jacks
- 20 bicycle crunches
- 15 burpees
- 15 V-ups
- 30 sec. plank
- 15 chair dips
- 20 lunges (10 each leg)
- 15 push ups
- 30 sec. side plank (each side)
- 20 squat jumps (get some air on these!!)
Rest. Repeat 2-3 more times

- Mike

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Helpful Tips to Prevent Overindulging at Holiday Parties

With Thanksgiving behind us, which for some people, marks the start of fun holiday festivities that make it pretty easy to overindulge. This time of year you may feel yourself giving yourself a free pass to indulge more than usual, not expecting to lose weight, but hoping to maintain your weight with as little effort as possible. Here are a few tips that I can share which may help keep you on track without having to spend a lot of time thinking about it.

1.  Show up to the event feeling satisfied.  It may be tempting to save the calories for that holiday meal, but skipping meals backfires and it results in eating excess calories when you finally do eat that holiday meal. By eating your previous meals, there’s less room in your stomach for the extra junk you may consume. While eating your regular meals prior, make sure to include the veggies and fruits, which will not only prevent your stomach from growling, but it will help keep your blood-sugar levels stable without adding too many calories.

2.  Use the “every other rule” with alcohol.  Alcohol increases your hunger and it lowers your inhibitions. This combination means that it makes you want to eat more while caring less about doing it. Try swapping every other drink with a non-caloric beverage.
3.  Check out the entire spread before filling your plate.  Think about lean protein and vegetables and pick only your favorite foods instead of grabbing something of everything.

4.  Have dessert at home.  It’s much easier to turn down a party dessert knowing that you’ll be heading home to indulge on a dessert you love. That way you can come home and have it guilt-free rather than another choice…or two…you may regret in the morning.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Fruits & Vegetables

Hello everyone! We all know that eating more fuits and vegetables can make a significant difference in your physical and mental health, but are you struggling to get that daily recommended serving? Many of us struggle to get the recommended five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day. In fact, very few people—fitness professionals, included!—get anywhere near the recommended amount. Here are just a few ideas to help you work towards that.

- Wash and cut fresh vegetables after purchasing them. This makes it easier to grab-and-go during the week and reduces the risk they’ll be forgotten and go bad.

- Store fresh, frozen, canned and dried fruits and veggies in easy-to-see places in the refrigerator, pantry, shelves and countertops.

- Have a sweet tooth? Ditch the candy jar! Instead, keep a bowl of washed apples, oranges, bananas and other ready-to-eat fruits on the table.

- Add veggies like spinach, tomatoes, peppers and avocado to sandwiches.

- Do I have any pizza lovers out there? Add veggies to your pizza.

So start small if you have to. Set some realistic goals to begin with and work up to getting that five to nine servings a day. Try adding an extra serving or two today! Have a great day everyone! :)



Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Thinking Negative to Grow Positive

When you go to the gym and workout are you just focusing on the movement with no regard to the eccentric movement or time under tension?  If so, then you need to start incorporating negatives into your routines. First things first. There are three phases when it comes to lifting.
  1. Concentric: Muscle action occurs when the muscle contracts (shortens), such as when you raise the bar during a biceps curl.
  2. Isometric: Muscle action is when a muscle is activated and develops force, but no movement at the joint occurs. Think about if you were to try to push something that won't move, like a building; you are generating force, although there is not joint movement because it is obviously impossible.
  3. Eccentric: Muscle action (negative resistance training) occurs when the muscle lengthens in a controlled manner. Muscles can only shorten or lengthen in a controlled manner. Simply, gravity is trying to pull the weight back to where it started and the muscles must lengthen so the weight does not fall abruptly can potentially injure you.
Of these three phases, eccentric movement produces the most force and the muscle is about 40% stronger during the lowering phase. What's going on is micro-trauma occurs during the lengthening of the muscle while it is contracting to maintain control. This cellular damage, in turn, stimulates the release of local growth factors and revs up the anabolic machinery to build muscle. To ignore negatives doesn't make much sense, especially if you're training to get stronger.

I've recently started a new program which includes a lot of negative training and I can definetly feel a difference the next day. But be careful, use a spotter when you need it and don't rely solely on eccentric training, you may find yourself overtraining very easily. So if you've been ignoring negatives with your routines, switch things up and throw a few eccentric movements in to spark new growth and even help you bust through those plateaus.

- Mike

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday's Thought

Hello everyone. I've been away for a while and hope everyone is still enjoying the journey they're on. Recently I've experienced an event that made me realize that life is too short and things can change in an instant. Everything is ok...but it really opened up my eyes. Storms will cross our paths and may leave some destruction, but by picking up the pieces this is where we gather our strength and become stronger.

There will be things or people that don't serve us for the better. We may think they do, but they don't. And as difficult of a decision it is to leave those things behind, it's for the better, because we all deserve to be happy. We sometimes put too much focus on what was, when we should be focusing on what can be. The future is a great place to live, which is where I'm planning to live, not in the past. I hope all of you will also. So when you feel like you've done everything you can and you can't go any further with whatever you're trying to accomplish, just take that step forward. That step forward into your future just might be the best step you ever take!

Learn to forgive. Call up a friend you have lost touch with and catch up. Let burdens go and focus your time on being happy. Tell that someone you've been holding back just how you feel. Put together that plan you've been putting off. Leave everything on the table and know you did your best and have no regrets. Life's too short to focus on negatives when there are so many positives that we just don't take the time to acknowledge. Have a great Monday everyone and here's to the future and all the great things waiting for all of us!

- Mike

Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday Fitness Challenge

Photo: Happy Friday everyone! :)  Did you get your workout in yet?  No need to worry, because I've got another Friday Fitness Challenge for you guys.  Today's challenge is going to be focusing on the cardio side to get that heart pumping and the sweat a rollin'!  A great way to go into the weekend. :)  So grab your towel and water bottle and get ready to work up a little sweat!  Like and Share with your friends as well. Have a great day everyone! :)

- 40 jumping jacks
- 30 second jump rope (If you don't have a jump rope grab two smaller towels and get them a little damp. Hold one in each hand and jump up and down while swinging the towels in a circle)
- 20 second knee highs (Run in place and bring your knees up to about waist level)
- 20 second butt kickers (Just how it sounds. :) Run in place but try kicking your butt with your heels)
- 20 mountain climbers
- 10 jump squats
Rest. Repeat 2 more times

- Mike

#FridayFitnessChallenge #homeworkout #mikerush

Happy Friday everyone! Did you get your workout in yet? No need to worry, because I've got another Friday Fitness Challenge for you guys. Today's challenge is going to be focusing on the cardio side to get that heart pumping and the sweat a rollin'! A great way to go into the weekend. So grab your towel and water bottle and get ready to work up a little sweat! Like and Share with your friends as well. Have a great day everyone!

- 40 jumping jacks
- 30 second jump rope (If you don't have a jump rope grab two smaller towels and get them a little damp. Hold one in each hand and jump up and down while swinging the towels in a circle)
- 20 second knee highs (Run in place and bring your knees up to about waist level)
- 20 second butt kickers (Just how it sounds. Run in place but try kicking your butt with your heels)
- 20 mountain climbers
- 10 jump squats
Rest. Repeat 2 more times

- Mike

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Incline Dumbbell Row

Good morning everyone! Looking to add a different exercise to your back routine? I've got a little exercise you can try. Remember, change things up to see results! I'll call it my "Tuesday Tip". It's called the Incline Dumbbell Row.

How it's performed:
Place two dumbbells next to an incline bench (or take a flat bench and prop one end up if your gym does not have an adjustable bench) and position yourself securely on the bench with your chest lying on the pad and your feet touching the ground for support (or up on the end like you see me doing in the picture). Reach down and grab a dumbbell with each hand with your palms facing in letting the dumbbells hang straight down so that your arms are fully extended. Slowly lift the dumbbells straight upward and flex your upper back muscles at the top of the exercise. Return the dumbbells back down to the starting position and repeat for the desired amount of reps. Be sure to keep your head up and shoulders back throughout this exercise in order to keep your back in a firm and stable position at all times.

So next time you train back and you're looking to throw in a new exercise, give the Incline Dumbbell Row a shot! Have an awesome day everyone! :)

- Mike

Monday, September 15, 2014

Self-Motivation Do you have it?

I'm in the process of a 6 week program that is pushing the limits of my fitness. There are times during my workouts where my mind is telling me to just take an extra break or go lighter on the next set. But then there is that discipline voice that tells me I can do it and I won't achieve my goal if I don't push through it. I want to achieve my goal. I have a goal set in my head and I know what I need to do to achieve it. We all need to find that motivation within ourselves to keep pushing us towards what we want. Nobody said it would be easy, but it will be worth it in the end. So when your mind is telling you you can't, what are you using for motivation to keep you going? Keep that thought/motivation in your head and you will achieve greatness! Have an awesome day everyone! :)

- Mike


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Plateau Buster - Hanging Curls

Good morning everyone! Most of you know by now that I'm a huge believer in changing things up to not only avoid boredom in the gym, but to also stay clear of the dreaded "plateau". This movement that I'm showing you here is from my goodie bag that I throw in from time to time to spark new growth. It's known by a few different names, but I refer to it as Hanging Curls.

Hitting muscles from different angles and using different methods will shock and confuse your muscles. Yes, I said confuse your muscles. Your muscles can very easily get used to movements that you do on a consistent basis...the "plateau". But by making these slight changes, your muscles will not be used to this movement and will therefore be taxed in a different and more efficient manner...end result...growth and change. So keep switching things up to avoid those plateaus and most importantly, avoid getting discouraged with not seeing results. Give the Hanging Curls a try the next time you're in the gym, you will definetly feel it! Here's how to do them:

1. Lie against an incline bench, with your arms holding an E-Z bar and hanging down in a horizontal line. This will be your starting position. The bench I'm using is adjustable and I have it set to just below 45 degrees.

2. While keeping the upper arms stationary, curl the weight up as high as you can while squeezing the biceps. Breathe out as you perform this portion of the movement. Tip: Only the forearms should move. Do not swing the arms.

3. After a second contraction, slowly go back to the starting position as you inhale. Tip: Make sure that you go all the way down.

4. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Variations: You can perform this exercise using a barbell or dumbbells. I chose the E-Z bar this morning.

Hope you all give this a try and have a great day everyone!

- Mike

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Good morning everyone! I love this quote by Jerry Rice. My morning workout session was Back & Biceps. Pullups were on that list. I'm not going to lie, I struggle with pullups. Here's a little fact for you all, even Arnold Schwarzenegger struggled with pullups. I struggle with them, but I force myself to do them and I give everything I've got when I do them. There may be something you guys struggle with also, but keep at it. Today you may struggle with it, but one day you won't! Keep up the hard work everyone, I promise it will pay off! Have a great day! :)


Friday, July 18, 2014

5 Post-Run Yoga Exercises


Running can be an intense sport that involves gravity and the laws of physics.  Runners experience ground reaction forces, which is the force exerted by the ground as the body places contact.  The applied force to each step will receive a reaction force that passes up through the foot to each lower extremity joint, and without proper care, runners can experience skeletal or muscular pain or injury.

Incorporating yoga poses post-run is a great way to maintain flexibility and recirculate lactate build up.  Most yoga poses are not isolated stretches, therefore the body's connective tissue and what is known as fascial lines are opened in various poses.  There are various fascial lines in the body, which connect foot to head and the right and left sides of the body.  Yoga can improve the flexibility along these fascial lines to keep the musculature balanced and flexible.

I've been running a few times a week in addition to my weight training and I've been using these yoga poses in addition to traditional post-run flexibility exercises and I feel they're great.  Give them a try the next time you finish a run.  Hold each pose for 30-60 seconds each and complete each pose twice.

Standing Pigeon

This pose opens the hip's external rotators, which is ideal to maintain hip mobility.

How to perform:  Place the right ankle just above the left knee.  Slowly sit the hips back, just like lowering yourself into a chair.  Use a wall or tree (or in my case a goal post) to better maintain balance or place the hands on the shin.  To practice balance, reach the arms forward in front of the chest.  Switch and repeat on the opposite leg.

Standing Downward Dog

This pose opens the chest musculature while lengthening the posterior side of the lower extremities.

How to perform:  Find something stable to hold onto or on which to place your hands.  Position the feet hip distance apart and several inches in front of the hips.  Shift the pelvis back to where the chest and arms come parallel to the ground.  For a deeper calf stretch, lift the toes off the ground.

Pyramid Pose

This pose lengthens the back side of the legs from the glutes toward the calves.

How to perform:  Place the right foot about 2 to 3 feet in front of the body with the toes facing forward.  Slowly, lower the torso to the point of flexibility and rest the hands on the shin, foot or ground.  Allow the upper body to relax.  Repeat on the opposite leg.

Low Lunge

This pose lengthens the top of the quadriceps in addition to the hip flexor muscles, which is ideal as running incorporates repetitive hip-flexion movements.

How to perform:  Place the left knee on the ground (place a towel or mat underneath the knee if surface is hard) and step the right foot forward.  Hinge from the pelvis to where the torso moves slightly forward and you feel a stretch on the thigh.  Reach the arms overhead and hold.  Repeat on the opposite leg.

Warrior 1 with chest open

This pose is ideal to open the hip, oblique and chest musculature.

How to perform:  Find a wall or object on which to place your arm.  Stand with the right side of the body facing the wall or object.  Step the right leg back (foot may turn out to a 45-degree angle) and bend the elbow 90 degrees with the fingers facing upward.  Place the forearm on the wall/object and lunge into the left leg toward a 90-degree angle.  Tuck the pelvis forward and keep the left hand by your side.  The stretch should be felt from the pelvis through the abdominals and into the chest region.  Repeat on the opposite leg.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Family Fun Activity

Hi everyone! I hope you're all having a great day! You may be thinking why I have a picture of sidewalk chalk on this post? Well, just thought I would share a couple little fun things you can do with your kids while being active at the same time. My daughter loves to use her chalk and we have done this before and it's a lot of fun!

Here's what you need:
Sidewalk Chalk
A large driveway or parking lot
A smile and laughter

Here are the two games you can play:

The Obstacle Course
On the parking lot or your driveway, draw out an imaginative course with the sidewak chalk using obstacles such as jumping across a castle drawbridge, dodging an erupting volcano, following animal tracks, jumping from star to star, leaping over a swamp filled with alligators...whatever you and your kids would like to draw. Make it fun! :)

Target Practice
For this game you'll need your chalk and several bean bags or other small props (any small object that can be thrown safely and won't roll away). Draw different sized or shaped targets at various distances, and have your kids work on throwing the bean bags (or whatever object you use) into the targets. You can even assign points to all the targets for a fun way to keep score...and work on math at the same time. ;)

So if you're looking for a fun way to get outside with the family this weekend, bring some sidewalk chalk with and play these fun games. The kids will love it! I plan on playing these with my daughter this weekend. Have a great day everyone!  :) 


#family #familyfun #mikerush

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Playground Workout

Hi everyone!  Looking for a way to squeeze in a workout and keeps the kids happy at the same time?  Well I've got the solution for you!  It's the playground workout.  I have a daughter and she loves going to the park.  When I'm there with her I'm always climbing around with her and after sitting down to take a break I figured, there's plenty of options here to get a good workout in.  So I'm going to share a few circuits with you that you can try the next time you're at the park with your kids.  There are three circuits comprised of three exercises for each circuit.  Try any one of them, or if you're really in the mood for a good workout and the kids don't want to go home yet, run through all three of them and repeat the circuits 1 or 2 more times.  Enjoy!


1. Rows - Grab the bar and suspend yourself underneath it. Have your feet resting on a flat surface (See picture). Using the muscles in your back, pull your chest up towards the bar you're grabbing.  Return to the starting position.  Perform 10 rows and move on to the next exercise.
2. Push Ups - Place your hands shoulder width apart and feet on the ground or elevated on a solid surface (See picture).  Lower your chest until it touches the surface you are pressing on, and then push up to return to the starting position. The picture shows three different levels of difficulty.  Perform 10 push ups and move on to the next exercise.
 3. Squat Jumps - Start by standing in front of a bench facing it.  The higher the bench, the more difficult this exercise will be.  Squat slightly and then explode upwards to jump onto the bench. Jump backwards off of the bench to return to the starting position.  Perform 10 squat jumps and move on to the next exercise.

1. Lunges - Start with your right foot out in front of you on the ground.  Bend your right leg until your left knee touches the ground.  Be aware to keep your right knee directly over your right foot and don't allow your knee to go in front of your toes.  Return to starting position.  Perform 10 lunges on each leg and move on to the next exercise.

2. Pull Ups - Find the monkey bars for this exercise.  Grab the bar and use the muscles in your back and arms to pull your chin up to the bar and return to the starting position.  If a full pull up is too difficult, you can make it easier by supporting your legs on a ladder or platform (See picture). Perform 10 pull ups and move on to the next exercise.

3. Dips - Find two solid bars slightly wider than shoulder width.  Grab the bars and suspend yourself using your arms.  Slowly bend your elbows to lower your body until your elbows reach about 90 degrees and return to starting position.  If a full dip is too difficult, you can place your legs on the ground (See picture).  Perform 10 dips and move on to the next exercise.


1. Lateral Lunges - Find a surface of an appropriate height (the higher the surface the more difficult this exercise will be).  Start by standing to the side of whatever surface you choose.  Step laterally with one foot onto the surface and pull yourself up on top of it. Return to the starting position or step down to the other side (See picture).  Perform 10 lateral lunges on each leg and move on to the next exercise.

2. Biceps Curls - Find a bar of an appropriate height.  Grab the bar with an underhand grip and use your biceps to pull your body up towards the bar (See picture).  Return to the starting position.  Perform 10 biceps curls and move on to the next exercise.

3. Russian Twists - Find a platform and sit on the edge.  Recline your trunk backwards and lift your feet up in front of you.  Hold your legs in this position as you rotate your shoulders from right to left, this is one repetition.  Perform 10 Russian twists.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Failure Is Just A Word

Good morning everyone! Not only do I think this picture is awesome, I absolutely love the quote! I apologize, it may be a little hard to read, but it says "Don't fear great attempts it is glorious even to fail." - Bruce Lee.  There may be times when we error on the side of caution because we don't want to fail or look like a failure. But at some point we need to forget about what others may think and just GO FOR IT!! Failure isn't always the worst possible result that can happen. It can be a learning experience or it can show just how hard you want something and you'll be damned if you'll let a little setback stop you. Failure is just a word, and as long as we remember that, there's nothing we can't accomplish when we go hard after it! Have a great day everyone! :)


Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday Motivation

Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. It's Monday, the start of the week, so what a perfect time to have a fresh start! Make today your day, start the week off on a positive note and keep that positivity rolling through the rest of the week! Have a great day everyone! :)


Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday Fitness Challenge

Happy Friday everyone! Hope you're all having a great day! It's time for another "Friday Fitness Challenge" and since it's the dreaded Friday the 13th, I'm going to step it up just a little because of the bad vibes that come with Friday the 13th and debunk them with a healthy dose of fitness! So whoever's with me for today's challenge you know the rules for participating, and for any of you that are new to this, just like the post if you want to participate and even drop a little comment about it.

So let's beat the dreaded 13th vibes and have a good start to the weekend with doing the "Friday Fitness Challenge"! Have a great day everyone! :) 

- 10 Jumping jacks
- 10 Mountain climbers
- 10 Pushups
- 10 Squats
Repeat 10 times


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Benefit of Keeping a Workout Log

How many of you walk into a gym, walk up to a piece of equipment, throw some weight on and start repping away?  Now, how many of you do this and wonder why you're not getting stronger or seeing any progress?  Well, a simple answer/question to this is "Are you keeping a workout log?"

Keeping a workout log is a simple and effective way for you to track your progress week in and week out.  Many people get stuck in their routines and it's because they aren't making adjustments to the weight they're lifting or the number of reps they're doing.  With a workout log, you can see what you did last week and build from there.

Progress is important to people and noting what's working for you and what's not working for you will not only save you time in the gym, but a ton of frustration as well.  Nothing's more frustrating than spending 6 months on a routine that's not just working for you.  Keeping a workout log, you are able to record the lifts you did, the weight, how many reps for that week and then the next week when you get to the gym you are able to look back and know where to start.

I keep a log myself that I bring to the gym every day.  I have my exercises already mapped out and ready to go.  I find this helps keep me on track while in the gym, knowing what exercise is next and what weight and reps I'm starting with.  What I do often is keep notes in my log, such as if the weight was too heavy/light that set for the desired reps I was trying to do, noting that if the squat racks were taking and I had to use the smith-machine for that exercise...basic notes at the time, but will help me next week when I'm back in the gym working that same muscle group.  At 36, I'm stronger now than I've ever been, even stronger than I was in my 20's when I had plenty of free time to just workout.  I'm positive it has everything to do with keeping a workout log, tracking my progress, and adjusting my routine week after week according to my previous week's log.  Back then I was just going through the motions, but now I'm smarter about it and it's showing in results and progress.

Keeping a workout log can have many benefits for you, and yes, it may take a half hour out of your day to set up your log for the next day, but I'm betting that many of you will trade that half hour of planning for many many wasted hours in the gym on something that isn't working for you.  Happy logging everyone, have a great workout, and have an awesome day!  :)

- Mike

Monday, June 9, 2014

Don't Give Up!

Good morning everyone! Some words of wisdom/motivation to start off your week:

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. - Thomas Edison

Don't give up! The beginning is always the hardest and there's going to be challenges along the way, but stay positive, stick to your plan and don't get discouraged. I believe in all of you! Have a great Monday everyone and let's start off this week in a positive direction. :)

- Mike

Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday Fitness Challenge

Good afternoon everyone! It's Friday and you know what that means? It's time for my "Friday Fitness Challenge". I've talked to some of you who did last weeks challenge and I was happy to hear that you participated in it! The great thing about these challenges are they can be done at home in your spare time. 

If you would like to participate, go to my Facebook page, like this challenge and even comment to let all of us know that you did it or are planning on doing it. Now, here's today's challenge:

- 10 push ups
- 20 sit ups
- 20 squats
- 20 lunges (10 each leg)
- 40 jumping jacks
- 60 second wall sit
Do 3 sets of this

I hope to see and hear from all of you that are going to participate. Have a great day everyone and remember, have fun with today's challenge!

- Mike

Just Be Yourself

Hi everyone! There was a motivational quote that came across my Twitter feed the other day (yes, I'm on Twitter and if you are also, look me up if you'd like @MikeRushFitness) and I'd like to share it with all of you. I've mentioned a few times on this page about being a better you. Not comparing yourself to others, but comparing yourself to you and how far you've come.

Too many people can get caught up in what others are doing or see their results and get frustrated because they aren't there yet. I want all of you to know that you are your own ROCKSTAR! Ok, I'll get off my motivational soapbox and give you the quote I saw.

By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before. - Edwin Elliot

I hope all of you have a great day!

- Mike

Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Fitness Challenge

Good morning everyone! It's Friday and I'm going to try something new. Every Friday I'm going to present a fitness challenge for anyone that would like to participate and I hope all of you will participate. They're not going to be grueling, but they will at least get your body moving and will help with getting in that physical activity which is so important for our health.

So today's challenge: The Night Challenge
- 20 pushups
- 20 crunches
- 2 minute plank
Repeat 2x then sleep

I will be doing these fitness challenges with all of you as well. So, something a little different that I wanted to try and that we can all do together as a family! :)  Hope you all have a great Friday and let's get our body's moving with The Night Challenge!
- Mike

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Benefits of Yoga

Good morning everyone! Feeling a little stressed? Have any chronic back pain that you just can seem to get rid of? Migraines slowing your day down? Think about giving yoga a try. My routine that I'm currently following calls for active rest days...which means that I'm not lifting weights, but still doing some sort of physical activity. So this morning I chose to do yoga.

Not only is yoga a great stress reliever, there are also numerous physical benefits to doing yoga. Such as:

- Increased flexibility
- Increased muscle strength & tone
- Improved energy & vitality
- Cardio & circulatory health
- Improved athletic performance
- Protection from injury

I've mentioned on an earlier post that I struggle with my flexibilty. Yoga is one method I'm trying to use to help with my flexibility. Even though some poses (or asana for all you yogi's) are difficult for me to do, I make altererations with a foam roller (since I don't have a yoga block) to help with holding those positions.

So if you're looking to releive some stress, improve any of the above listed physical benefits, or looking for something to add to your weekly routine, think about giving yoga a shot. Hope you all have a great day! :)
- Mike

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Smith-Machine Overload Bench Press

When it comes to maximizing your muscular development, eccentric movements are a must.  You are capable of handling more weight (roughly 60%) on the negative portion of a rep.  The Smith-Machine is one piece of equipment that can work great for performing negative overloads.  This will require two partners for this particulat exercise.  I've done these before and it's a great variation to throw into your chest routine.

Here are some tips:  Start with 10-25% extra weight on the bar.  Have your partners stand on each side.  Lower the bar to your chest (shoot for 5-6 seconds) and when you reach the bottom of your negative rep, have your partners pull off that 10-25% extra weight.  Then forcefully press the weight back up into the top position.  Then your partners will put the 10-25% extra weight back on at the top and then repeat the negative rep again.  Continue this tempo for as many reps as possible.  Once you cannot complete a full rep, have your partners pull that additional weight off and do as many reps as possible at an explosive tempo. 

I've included a video to help explain this a little better.  It's a little hard to see, but if you look to the left, you can see his partner pulling the extra weight off at the bottom of his negative rep and then sliding it back on once he returns the weight to the top position.  So if you're looking to add a little variety, and some important eccentric movement, to your chest routine, give the Smith-Machine overload bench press a try!  Have a great day everyone!


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Great words to follow! Making changes in your lifestyle, whether it's eating healthier, working out more, dedicating your time towards a goal...whatever it is, it's a journey. Take a look back a few weeks ago, a month, a year and see how far you've come. Keep up the good work everyone and take some time to be proud of yourself for your dedication. I believe in all of you! Have a great day everyone! :)


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Rest-Pause Training

Hello everyone!  Looking to add a little intensity to your workouts?  There’s a lot of different options you can choose to approach switching up your intensities, but there’s a method that I’ve started using with my new routine that definitely gets my intensity up and is a way to ensure that I don’t plateau during this routine.  It’s called the Rest-Pause training method.  Some of you may have heard of it and tried it and some of you may not have.  For those of you that have tried it, I think you and I both can attest to the effectiveness it delivers.  For those of you who haven’t heard of it and looking to break through your plateau, I would highly recommend it.

As I stated above, this method is something that I’ve incorporated into my plan that I’m following now and I love it!  Here’s how it works:

1.  Perform your set as you would normally do (ex. 8-10 reps).  Set the weight down.

2.  Take 15 seconds of deep breathing, then pick the weight back up and continue to do reps until failure.
3.  Repeat step two as many times as you would like to (typical is twice).

Try doing this on your last set of each exercise (or last two sets of each exercise), which is what I do with my routine.  Don’t do this on every set of every exercise.  You’ll notice that when you perform these extra sets of reps after picking the weights back up and going to failure (which you may only be able to get 3 more reps done) it will be a grind and you’ll feel a different feeling in your muscles then with just the typical 8-10 reps and walking away.  In gym lingo, you’ll get more of a “pump”.  This is because you really get a mind to muscle connection because of the short bouts on concentrated effort.

So if you’re looking to add some intensity to your workouts or burst through your plateaus I highly recommend using the Rest-Pause method of training to spur that hypertrophy.  Have a great day everyone and keep up the good work!  :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

8 Ways To Have Fun With Exercise

Hello everyone!  The biggest excuse that people give to not working out is that they don’t have enough time.  Another common excuse is that they don’t enjoy it.  We all like to do things that we enjoy and for some people, working out isn’t at the top of their list.  Here are 8 tips that you can try to incorporate into your workouts that just might help make it more enjoyable.
1.  Try Something New
I’m a big believer in switching things up and trying new exercises.  Boredom in the gym is the root of all evils.  I usually switch my routine up every month or two to challenge my body in new ways and to make working out exciting.  Trying a new HIIT routine one month, then switching to a low rep/heavy weight the next for example.  Throwing in a kettlebell routine during the middle of the week and the next day follow it up with a plyometric workout.  Whatever it may, change things up and try new exercises to not only keep your mind stimulated but your body as well.

2.  Crank The Tunes
You may have read one of my earlier posts about Workout Playlists and how listening to music can get you through workouts.  Put a playlist together that will get your energy level up and let you have fun while working out.  Workouts are meant to be energetic so why not crank the tunes and enjoy it!

3.  Track Your Progress
Tracking your progress and seeing results is a great way to make exercising more exciting!  Keeping a workout journal is a great motivational tool you can use because it can make gains more tangible, and who doesn’t enjoy the thought of making gains?!

4.  Set Goals & Reward Yourself
Whether it’s to lose 1 pound this week or make it to the gym 12 times this month, make sure you set some realistic and attainable goals for yourself.  Determine your reward ahead of time and make sure you follow through.  This can make reaching your goal even more exciting!

5.  Enjoy An Outdoor Activity
Working out isn’t just limited to going to the gym.  Take your workout outdoors for a fun change!  The workout routine I’m currently doing calls for rest days and on those rest days it’s an active rest day.  Go for a walk on a trail through the woods near your house.  If you’re a golfer, walk 18 holes.  Could the exterior of you house use a little sprucing up?  Do some yard work.  Doing an activity outside of the gym can be fun and you can still get that exercise.

6.  Get A Workout Buddy
Working out with a friend isn’t just a way to squeeze in some face time with them, they can help push you and make your workouts more fun.  If your friend is tied up, try looking into local running clubs or fitness groups.

7.   Don’t Dread It
What I mean by this is switch the difficulty order of your exercises around.  While it’s beneficial to stack the most challenging exercises towards the beginning of your workout, don’t feel like that’s what you have to do every time.  Also, saving the toughest exercise for the very end of your routine doesn’t really leave you motivated to finish your routine when you know what’s coming.  Try sandwiching the really tough exercises with some of the more enjoyable ones and the whole workout can seem much more pleasant.

8.  Shorten It Up
Workouts taking too long?  Try shortening it up to 30 minutes of purposeful exercise.  Short and intense workouts can be really effective when it comes to building muscle and endurance and can be fun in the process!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Lift Your Mood With A Workout!

Good morning everyone! :) Depending on where you are in the country, if you're here in Minnesota in my neck of the woods, it's a windy and rainy day. But I'm not letting the weather get to me. I took advantage of the wonderful ability of our brain to release endorphins after we workout. It can work wonders on your outlook of how you feel today, especially during this weather. I did just that by getting my workout in this morning to start my day off in a good mood! :)  So if you're feeling a little down by the weather today after the great weekend we had, get that workout in to release those endorphins to take your mood to a more positive state. Check back tomorrow where I'll offer up some tips on how to make working out more enjoyable. Hope you all have a great day! :) 


Friday, May 9, 2014

Protein Shakes - Before or After?

Happy Friday everyone!  Many of you may have heard the saying “20% gym, 80% nutrition”.  I’ve heard different splits than these, but my point is some of you may be wondering of that 80% nutrition, what should be focused on when it comes to pre and post workout nutrition?  I’ve had the pleasure of talking with some of you and offering tips, and one common thing that’s been brought up is Protein Shakes, the use of them, and when to have them?
I want to state that I’m not a Registered Dietician or a Nutritionist, so I can only tell you what has worked for me.  One thing people should understand, and I notice this a lot, is that they see something working for one person and figure that it should work for them as well.  That’s not always the case.  Not only have I read up on a lot of different supplements out there, I’ve also tried numerous combinations and found what has worked best for me and my body’s needs. 
As I’ve mentioned, I’ve had talks with some of you about having protein shakes to go along with my workouts and when to have them.  Pre-workout shake?  Post-workoutshake?  The question as to when the best time to have that shake is still up in the air, in my opinion.  After reading these two articles (highlighted ‘Pre-workout shake’ & ‘Post-workout shake’) I think we can all agree that there’s benefits to both times because our bodies are in need of nutrition, whether it’s for energy or repair. 
Personally I have my protein shake within 30 minutes of completing my workout to help with the healing and growth process of my muscles, which is important because of the damage we do to them while working out. But also my choice for doing this might get a little chuckle out of some of you, but I choose to have mine afterwards as a little reward.  Silly as it sounds, it’s true!  Let’s face it, if some of you have been consuming protein shakes for years now, you can attest to the fact that they’ve come a long way in how they taste!  These days some of the protein shakes out there are VERY tasty!  Now because I choose to have my shake afterwards I do take into consideration of my fuel source intake before my workout.  As mentioned in the article about Pre-workout shakes, BCAA’s will help fuel your muscles during your workouts, and because I know this, I use a BCAA supplement that I put in my pre-workout drink (not a shake, a pre-workout drink) to fuel me through my workouts. Then after my workout I drink my post-workout drink (Creatine, Glutamine, and more BCAA's) and my post-workout protein shake. 
Some of you still might not be sure as to when to have that protein shake, pre or post workout, but what I might suggest is to try either way, or both, and see what works best for you.  Like I said, what I said above is what I have found that works best for me.  The nutrition that we build in around our workouts is what’s important so that we can get the most out of that time we put in.  I hope you take away some great information from the articles I’ve read and provided for you.  Have a great day everyone! :)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Simple Things In Life

Good morning everyone! 

I'm wearing this bracelet today. My daughter made this for me and as we were heading out this morning she grabbed it and said for me to wear it today. So I put it on with a smile and said of course I'll wear it! She's always looking out for me. :)  

This is just another example of why I try to live a healthier lifestyle. So that I can continue to be around to make bracelets with her and gladly let her accessorize my wardrobe as I leave the house with a HUGE smile. :) 

I hope all of you have a great day! :)


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May - National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

Good morning everyone!  Some of you may not know this, but May is National Physical Fitness and Sports month. People of all ages can benefit from regular physical activity and what a better time to start then this month.
Here are just a few benefits of becoming physically active:

Children and Adolescents - physical activity can improve muscular fitness and bone and heart health

Adults - physical activity can lower risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancers

Older adults - physical activity can lower the risk of falls and improve cognitive function (learning and judgement skills)

So I encourage you all to make a small change that can benefit everyone in your family. This small change is to take the family out for a walk tonight around the neighborhood after dinner. I will be doing this tonight with my daughter. It's a great way to spend time with the family, talk about how each others day was and to be active in the process.   Have a great day everyone!  :)
