Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday's Thought

Hello everyone. I've been away for a while and hope everyone is still enjoying the journey they're on. Recently I've experienced an event that made me realize that life is too short and things can change in an instant. Everything is ok...but it really opened up my eyes. Storms will cross our paths and may leave some destruction, but by picking up the pieces this is where we gather our strength and become stronger.

There will be things or people that don't serve us for the better. We may think they do, but they don't. And as difficult of a decision it is to leave those things behind, it's for the better, because we all deserve to be happy. We sometimes put too much focus on what was, when we should be focusing on what can be. The future is a great place to live, which is where I'm planning to live, not in the past. I hope all of you will also. So when you feel like you've done everything you can and you can't go any further with whatever you're trying to accomplish, just take that step forward. That step forward into your future just might be the best step you ever take!

Learn to forgive. Call up a friend you have lost touch with and catch up. Let burdens go and focus your time on being happy. Tell that someone you've been holding back just how you feel. Put together that plan you've been putting off. Leave everything on the table and know you did your best and have no regrets. Life's too short to focus on negatives when there are so many positives that we just don't take the time to acknowledge. Have a great Monday everyone and here's to the future and all the great things waiting for all of us!

- Mike

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