Hi everyone! Looking for a way to squeeze in a workout and keeps the kids happy at the same time? Well I've got the solution for you! It's the playground workout. I have a daughter and she loves going to the park. When I'm there with her I'm always climbing around with her and after sitting down to take a break I figured, there's plenty of options here to get a good workout in. So I'm going to share a few circuits with you that you can try the next time you're at the park with your kids. There are three circuits comprised of three exercises for each circuit. Try any one of them, or if you're really in the mood for a good workout and the kids don't want to go home yet, run through all three of them and repeat the circuits 1 or 2 more times. Enjoy!
1. Rows - Grab the bar and suspend yourself underneath it. Have your feet resting on a flat surface (See picture). Using the muscles in your back, pull your chest up towards the bar you're grabbing. Return to the starting position. Perform 10 rows and move on to the next exercise.
2. Push Ups - Place your hands shoulder width apart and feet on the ground or elevated on a solid surface (See picture). Lower your chest until it touches the surface you are pressing on, and then push up to return to the starting position. The picture shows three different levels of difficulty. Perform 10 push ups and move on to the next exercise.
3. Squat Jumps - Start by standing in front of a bench facing it. The higher the bench, the more difficult this exercise will be. Squat slightly and then explode upwards to jump onto the bench. Jump backwards off of the bench to return to the starting position. Perform 10 squat jumps and move on to the next exercise.
1. Lunges - Start with your right foot out in front of you on the ground. Bend your right leg until your left knee touches the ground. Be aware to keep your right knee directly over your right foot and don't allow your knee to go in front of your toes. Return to starting position. Perform 10 lunges on each leg and move on to the next exercise.
2. Pull Ups - Find the monkey bars for this exercise. Grab the bar and use the muscles in your back and arms to pull your chin up to the bar and return to the starting position. If a full pull up is too difficult, you can make it easier by supporting your legs on a ladder or platform (See picture). Perform 10 pull ups and move on to the next exercise.
3. Dips - Find two solid bars slightly wider than shoulder width. Grab the bars and suspend yourself using your arms. Slowly bend your elbows to lower your body until your elbows reach about 90 degrees and return to starting position. If a full dip is too difficult, you can place your legs on the ground (See picture). Perform 10 dips and move on to the next exercise.
1. Lateral Lunges - Find a surface of an appropriate height (the higher the surface the more difficult this exercise will be). Start by standing to the side of whatever surface you choose. Step laterally with one foot onto the surface and pull yourself up on top of it. Return to the starting position or step down to the other side (See picture). Perform 10 lateral lunges on each leg and move on to the next exercise.2. Biceps Curls - Find a bar of an appropriate height. Grab the bar with an underhand grip and use your biceps to pull your body up towards the bar (See picture). Return to the starting position. Perform 10 biceps curls and move on to the next exercise.
3. Russian Twists - Find a platform and sit on the edge. Recline your trunk backwards and lift your feet up in front of you. Hold your legs in this position as you rotate your shoulders from right to left, this is one repetition. Perform 10 Russian twists.
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