Thursday, December 4, 2014

Fruits & Vegetables

Hello everyone! We all know that eating more fuits and vegetables can make a significant difference in your physical and mental health, but are you struggling to get that daily recommended serving? Many of us struggle to get the recommended five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day. In fact, very few people—fitness professionals, included!—get anywhere near the recommended amount. Here are just a few ideas to help you work towards that.

- Wash and cut fresh vegetables after purchasing them. This makes it easier to grab-and-go during the week and reduces the risk they’ll be forgotten and go bad.

- Store fresh, frozen, canned and dried fruits and veggies in easy-to-see places in the refrigerator, pantry, shelves and countertops.

- Have a sweet tooth? Ditch the candy jar! Instead, keep a bowl of washed apples, oranges, bananas and other ready-to-eat fruits on the table.

- Add veggies like spinach, tomatoes, peppers and avocado to sandwiches.

- Do I have any pizza lovers out there? Add veggies to your pizza.

So start small if you have to. Set some realistic goals to begin with and work up to getting that five to nine servings a day. Try adding an extra serving or two today! Have a great day everyone! :)



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