Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday Training Tip - Shoulders

Today will be a simple tip about the shoulders (or deltoids).  The deltoid is a large three-headed muscle group consisting of the anterior (front), medial (side) and posterior (rear) deltoid.  The function of the deltoid muscle is to lift and rotate the arm.  It is important to develop and train all three groups when training shoulders...especially for those looking to achieve that "V-Taper" physique.  When training shoulders there are two types of exercise; presses and raises.  I'll list a few simple and basic exercises to hit all three deltoid groups.  One last thing I'd like to mention is not to forget about the trapezius muscle, since they extend down from the neck, to down between the shoulder blades. As promised, here are just a few simple exercises that you can do to hit all deltoid groups. Have a great day everyone! :)

- Mike

- Seated Dumbbell Presses
- Side Dumbbell Lateral Raises
- Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raises (Bent over at the waist)
- Upright Rows (Barbell or Dumbbells)
- Shrugs (Barbell or Dumbbells)
- Rear Delt Flyes (if your gym is equipped with a chest flye machine, it usually adjusts for you to hit the rear deltoid)


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