Saturday, April 5, 2014

Working out at home

Do you know what the No. 1 excuse is as to why people don’t workout?  It’s time.  People say that they don’t have time in their busy days to workout.  I understand that we all may have things going on that can at times make it difficult to get to the gym.  Whether it’s being trapped in your driveway from a huge pile of snow left courtesy of the snow plow or being tied up at home working on some projects, whatever it may be that gets you thinking that you just don’t have time to leave the house to get to the gym there’s a solution to that.  You don’t have to go to the gym to get a workout in when you can workout at home.
You can get a good workout in at home with just a few pieces of equipment, and the best part, it’s all for less than $50.  There’s always exercises you can do at home that don’t involve equipment that you would need to buy like just doing push ups, chair dips, sit ups or crunches, lunges, wall squats…there are plenty of options to get you that workout from your own home.  But I would recommend picking up some resistance bands for a great workout and also a stability ball for your core exercises.  These two pieces of equipment are relatively inexpensive and can give you many different exercise options.


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