Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Healthy Mind

Good morning everyone! Not only is keeping your body healthy important, but keeping your mind healthy is just as important.

They gym has always been my escape. A place where I can go to relieve stress and clear my head. We all need something to do or somewhere to go to clear life's clutter. Yesterday I started my day in the gym, had a full busy day at the office and then back at the gym to personal train. So, with being in the gym twice I needed something a little different to clear my head and with the weather being as nice as it's been, I decided to go for a run...and please excuse my whiter than white legs! LOL

Now let me just be clear on this, I'm no runner by any means. At all! But, being able to just put the headphones on, crank the tunes and just go...well there's something satisfying about it. Maybe it's that runners high that you avid runners talk about, but I like to see it as it's my time to just think. I do that when I exercise...I think. Might not be the best thing to do, but I do it. I ponder, I solve problems, I make sense of why things are the way they are, I think about where I am, where I was, what positive direction I am heading, I work out quadratic equations (just kidding on that last one ;) )...the point is whatever form of exercise I'm doing that's "my" time to also make my mind healthier.

Make sure you give yourself your "you time" as with how busy our lives can get, it's very important to squeeze in time to focus on you. Have a great day and take some time out today for yourself. :)

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