Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Weight Loss: Time frame and Realistic Expectations

Hello everyone! Many people have set some new year’s resolutions and one of the common resolutions topping that list is to lose weight. Unfortunately some of those people give up on that resolution to lose weight because they don’t see results fast enough. It takes time to see visible changes in your body…you didn’t go from fit to fat in a period of a few days or even a few weeks, right?
According to the American Council on Exercise, your resting metabolic rate and level of physical activity are the two biggest contributors to how many calories you need per day. When trying to lose weight, you can either burn up those extra pounds through calorie reduction or increased physical activity. Many of you probably already know that, but something you may not have thought of is there’s a third component: perseverance. When you don’t see immediate results you have to be willing to stick to your plan. Weight loss is a slow, steady process that involves making permanent changes to the way you live your life.

The three factors that determine how many calories you expend during exercise are the frequency at which you work out, how long you exercise and the intensity of the physical activity. A person who weighs 145 lbs. burns roughly 350 calories during a 50 minute, moderately intense aerobic class. On the other hand, a person who weighs 180 lbs. burns around 440. If both of them were to attend this class five days a week, they would burn 1,750 and 2,200 calories, respectively. After two weeks, the 145 lb. individual would lose around 1 lb., while the 180 lb. person could lose 1.25 lbs. from exercise alone. High-intensity exercise burns more calories per minute. For example, that same 145-lbs. individual burns roughly 350 calories running for 40 minutes at a pace of 5 mph, but only burns 88 calories if walking at a normal pace for that same 40 minutes.

The length of time it takes for you to see noticeable results from your exercise plan depends on your willingness to commit to it and stick with it for the long haul…your perseverance. Most medical professionals say the recommended standard for weight loss is 1 to 2 lbs. each week. Shave off 250 calories per day from your diet every day and burn another 250 calories per day through exercise and you will have a 1 lb. weight loss for that week. You might not be ready to rush out and buy those smaller size jeans you’ve had your eye on after a week or two, but if you work hard toward your goal, you can reach it!

- Mike

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