Friday, January 9, 2015

Friday Fitness Challenge

Good morning everyone! Everybody doing their best to stay warm? Well if you're having any issues with that I've got the perfect solution. The Friday Fitness Challenge! Today's workout will be a little intense and probably because I've recently increased the intensity to my routine. So you may hate me now, but you will be thanking me later. So let's put an end to this cold week, well, not getting better anytime soon, and kick off the weekend with a great workout! Have a great Friday everyone and feel free to share this with your friends and family.

- Squat Jumps - 1 min. (Get some air on these!)
- 15 pushups
- Squat Jumps- 1 min.
- 15 Chair dips
- Skaters - 1 min.
- Plank - 1 min.
- Bird dog - switch after 10
- Spiderman plank - 10 each side

- Mike

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